Prep Day Info


Wednesday night June 4th was awesome. There was so

much energy in the big room as we prayed for our

Argentina mission trip. Parents filled another room

and had their questions answered as they sought to

best prepare their students. Laughter and cheers

filled the big room as different groups showcased what

they will be doing in Argentina June 13-21st. The trip

is going to be an amazing opportunity to share Christ

with so many people. Please be praying!


During the trip, I will send pictures and text as much

as possible to Dave (our media guru) who will post

them on this site.


Sunday June 8th at high school elevate is going to be

a huge day. Come check out Octavio de Junio (the

eighth of june) as different groups will lead and some

of our students will speak.


See you on here real soon.

eric g